Online Market Research * Examples for Pharmaceutical Industry * Customer's Needs

Online Market Research

Information delivered by online market research (netnography) is relevant, detailed, natural, authentic, spontaneous and unforced, unelected, obtained in an unobtrusive way, actual and obtainable in a timely, effective and efficient manner.

Netnography is suitable for studying:

  • description of the market – segments, product groupings, attribute sets
  • comprehension of online communication – categories, trends, symbols, images
  • understanding of consumer’s choice – influencers, adopters
  • brand meaning – consumer language and terms and
  • consumer discoveries and innovation – lead user, creativity

Discover the method of online market research!

S. Bastian (2014): Netnography a Useful Market Research Tool for Pharmaceutical Industry? - Part 1: The Method, pdf-document, MB

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